Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monitor Your Mail Exchange Server Using PRTG

It is really an awesome tool to Monitor NE in your Network...

I have been working and have done a lot of R&D on PRTG...

If you are having your mail exchange server and your are worried about its monitoring use PRTG..
Add your Mail Exchange Server on PRTG using SNMP ( Simple Network Management Protocol) or WMI ( Window Management Instrumentation)..there are other ways also to add Window Base Server on PRTG like Remote Probe provided by PRTG only..

Irrespective of Protocol used to add a Mail Exchange Server on PRTG, add Sensors..
Sensors you can add are:

1. MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Average Delivery Time
2. MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Messages Delivered/sec
3. MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Messages Queued for Submission
4. MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Messages Sent/sec
5. MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Messages Submitted/sec
6. MSExchangeIS Public\Average Delivery Time
7. MSExchangeIS Public\Messages Delivered/sec
8. MSExchangeIS Public\Messages Queued for Submission
9. MSExchangeIS Public\Messages Sent/sec
10. MSExchangeIS Public\Messages Submitted/sec
11. MSExchangeIS\RPC Averaged Latency
12. MSExchangeIS\RPC Num. of Slow Packets
13. MSExchangeIS\RPC Operations/sec
14. MSExchangeIS\RPC Requests
15. POP3
16. SMTP
17. POP3 Roundtrip

Maaaan What else you need to monitor about Mail Exchange Server..!!!!


Let us configure Linux Client for Syslog

If Configuring Syslog Server on Linux is easy then configuring Linux Client machine for syslog is much easier.

1. Go to /etc/syslog.conf

$# vi syslog.conf

go to the the end of this file..


#add user here

user.* @[user] note: [user] = Syslog server ip

user.* @

save the file and come out

2. Restart Syslog
$# service syslog restart

3. Give a reboot to your system..

4. Check /var/log/messages at your syslog server

your syslog server will start reciving alerts from client machine...


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Configure Syslog Server on your Linux Device

It is very easy to configure Syslog server on your linux device. Follow the steps ....

1. Check Services syslog, xinetd and portmap on your linux device

2. Check config on services

$ chkconfig xinetd on
$ chkconfig portmap on

3. Check the status

$ service xinetd status
$ service portmap status

4. Edit syslog file from /etc/sysconfig/syslog

Locate SYSLOGD_OPTION on syslogfile
add -r

5. SAve and give a restart to service syslog